
sunday/monday thanks

my thanks:

sunday: i am thankful for good food! i made dinner for greg and his sister. i made super easy chicken parmesan. food tastes so good when you make it. as silly as that sounds... but its true. i dont like to cook for just myself so i end up eating a bowl of cereal. i forget what homecooked food tastes like.

monday: i am thankful for my health. i have complained lately about my weak immune system but i really am a "healthy" person. there are far worse situations to be in and people with life threatening illnesses that continue to be happy while they fight for their lives. i'll take my cold and not be such a baby about it. with that being said, please keep misty in your thoughts and prayers. she is a 32 year old mother of 3 from my hometown that is fighting stage 4 rectal cancer. she is a prime example of positivity while she faces this horrible disease.

ps. interesting night at the gym... started with me getting knocked in the nose and gushing blood... followed by a little girl tripping up the stairs and knocking her 4 front teeth out... and a busted lip for a level 4. yay, fun!

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