good bye may...
hello hot sweltering june.
i hope everyone had a fun weekend in the nice weather. i laid out and got a little sunkissed. classes start tomorrow for me and so does work at 7:30 in the a.m. sigh....
for your enjoyment... ok, mine.
overheard in new york:
Teacher to colleagues: When a student acts up a second time, I always throw something at the window and then do something like this (goes into fetal position and starts rocking) at my desk. I mean...these are first graders! You need them to think you're crazy from the very beginning, or you'll have a horrible year!
Man on cell: I'm feeling pretty good today. That's usually when I go off the deep end.
Paper baggin' hobo: I'm not sure who's crazier: me, or this beer. It's 23 degrees outside, and I'm drinking a cold beer!
texts from last night:
(302): I woke up this morning with my shirt on upside down.
(1-302): You mean inside out.
(302): No, upside down. I ripped the neck hole in the process of getting it around my waist.
(973): Some broad at the bar just asked me how much money I make. I don't know whats worse, the question or the answer.
(870): Only in Alabama do they play hymns in a bar!!!
(443): There was this creepy guy on the bus. So I puffed out my stomach & began to hold my stomach like I was preggers.
(703): His mom made me a necklace that i am supposed to wear to prom. She included a note with it, which had a star trek quote. What have I gotten myself into?
i bought some red lipstick today. i like it but its not red enough.
i went to a wedding this weekend with greg.
im just going to say two things:
1. i slipped on pine straw in the rain and fell.
(i was wearing white pants)
2. the wedding singer was missing two teeth.
(ill let you guess which ones)
dolla dolla bill, y'all.
Teacher to colleagues: When a student acts up a second time, I always throw something at the window and then do something like this (goes into fetal position and starts rocking) at my desk. I mean...these are first graders! You need them to think you're crazy from the very beginning, or you'll have a horrible year!
Man on cell: I'm feeling pretty good today. That's usually when I go off the deep end.
Paper baggin' hobo: I'm not sure who's crazier: me, or this beer. It's 23 degrees outside, and I'm drinking a cold beer!
texts from last night:
(302): I woke up this morning with my shirt on upside down.
(1-302): You mean inside out.
(302): No, upside down. I ripped the neck hole in the process of getting it around my waist.
(973): Some broad at the bar just asked me how much money I make. I don't know whats worse, the question or the answer.
(870): Only in Alabama do they play hymns in a bar!!!
(443): There was this creepy guy on the bus. So I puffed out my stomach & began to hold my stomach like I was preggers.
(703): His mom made me a necklace that i am supposed to wear to prom. She included a note with it, which had a star trek quote. What have I gotten myself into?
i bought some red lipstick today. i like it but its not red enough.
i went to a wedding this weekend with greg.
im just going to say two things:
1. i slipped on pine straw in the rain and fell.
(i was wearing white pants)
2. the wedding singer was missing two teeth.
(ill let you guess which ones)
dolla dolla bill, y'all.
friday's to-do list
texts from last night
texts from last night is a website for people to submit those random/crazy/whatever texts that they sent or received. its pretty funny and addicting. here are a few of my favorites: (ps. the numbers in front of the texts is the area code from which they came)
if i were on drugs, this would be me:
(419): just went to get groceries. a cashier said she saw me last night. i guess i carried a broom back from the party and swept the street the whole walk back...and i claimed to be in the cast of wicked
for liz:
(413): I have a feeling we are going to become cougars together.
someone from defuniak sent this:
(850): Are they still out there making out on the couch? How can we get them to leave?
(850): I 'm gonna go stand naked in the kitchen with a knife
for kati, collier, wade, beth, and ashley:
(248): we went to a bar last night, drank beer in plastic cups. I took pics w/a random kid i pulled into a photobooth & i have easy mac in my purse. I belong here.
haha, i can only imagine:
(978): Come home. Im drunk and cutting my own hair. This is bad, i need you.
side note:
i have this crazy little girl in one of my classes at gymnastics. she is so bad but so funny. and she has a really country accent too. yesterday, when we were doing the butterfly stretch, they always talk about where they want to "fly." the other little girls said the beach, disney world, grandparent's houses, etc. when it came to mallory, she said,
"the toilet."
later i was asking the girls what they wanted to be when they grew up. first girl said teacher, next said a mom, then the next said a dentist. mallory answered last and said "a mermaid."

i too want to be a mermaid when i grow up.
if i were on drugs, this would be me:
(419): just went to get groceries. a cashier said she saw me last night. i guess i carried a broom back from the party and swept the street the whole walk back...and i claimed to be in the cast of wicked
for liz:
(413): I have a feeling we are going to become cougars together.
someone from defuniak sent this:
(850): Are they still out there making out on the couch? How can we get them to leave?
(850): I 'm gonna go stand naked in the kitchen with a knife
for kati, collier, wade, beth, and ashley:
(248): we went to a bar last night, drank beer in plastic cups. I took pics w/a random kid i pulled into a photobooth & i have easy mac in my purse. I belong here.
haha, i can only imagine:
(978): Come home. Im drunk and cutting my own hair. This is bad, i need you.
side note:
i have this crazy little girl in one of my classes at gymnastics. she is so bad but so funny. and she has a really country accent too. yesterday, when we were doing the butterfly stretch, they always talk about where they want to "fly." the other little girls said the beach, disney world, grandparent's houses, etc. when it came to mallory, she said,
"the toilet."
later i was asking the girls what they wanted to be when they grew up. first girl said teacher, next said a mom, then the next said a dentist. mallory answered last and said "a mermaid."

i too want to be a mermaid when i grow up.
chirp gag
so my baby birds hatched today. they look sick. sick as in i kind of gag when i look at them. you know in the gremlin movies when the gremlins get wet and all bubbly? thats what the birds look like. except they are a breathing ball of fuzz. i guess they are still developing? they look like alien babies. hope they get cute soon. yikes!
human babies are kind of gross when they come out, but they look better than birds!
human babies are kind of gross when they come out, but they look better than birds!
music monday

these are my ponies as of late. (ponies as in jam-ponies):
cathy's clown everly bros
blue bayou roy orbison
somebody's crying chris isaak
i love you benjy davis project
lucky jason mraz & colbie caillet
ain't no rest for the wicked cage the elephant (agreed, liz)
thanks to liz for the inspiration :)
happy mother's day all around
shawesome/lloyd wedding
my boo, ashley, got married this weekend; beautiful bride, gorgeous location, good food, and handsome groom! ashley is by far the most fun bride ever and i was so happy to be apart of her big day! here are a few pics:
mom helping bride get ready
beautiful bride posing for some pictures
waiting for our cue!
mr. & mrs. casy lloyd off to greece!
i love them and i cant wait to hear all about santorini next week!
i love them and i cant wait to hear all about santorini next week!
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