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recently, i have been asked a few times where my parents got the name "mollie joy."
hang on, im about to debunk all myths.
mollie is a family name on my mother's side. it is my great great grandmother's name, molly brown. no, not THE unsinkable molly brown, just molly brown from alabama. some people, despite my objection, like to think the unsinkable molly brown is my kin. but no.
joy is on both sides of my family (ha). my grandmother on my mother's side is helen joy. my great aunt on my father's side is named joy. double the joy.
obviously, my parents had to alter the spelling of molly to mollie so that it would look good on christmas cards with my mother and sister's name (ritchIE and kellIE).
other name facts:
my auburn id was blackmj. i remembered it as "black michael jackson." RIP.
it doesnt really bother me when people spell my name with a Y. whatev.
my family has a tendency to call me mollie joyous one.
on my birth announcement, they thought my mom was the dad (ritchie) and that it must be a typo for my dad's name (jay for joy). so ritchie and joy welcomed their baby, mollie joy.
my cooperating teacher at the high school commented that i had a really good name, that it sounded like the name of someone in american folklore. i responded that i liked my name. ive always identified with it. :)