
t.m.i. tuesday

there was nothing on tv sunday night....
so i made the decision to watch....


let's just say i havent watched the disney channel in some time.
it was enchanting.

i sent my friend christina a text asking her if it was ok for me to be watching this movie ( you know there are rules to being a teacher, like touching students or buying them alcohol... i didnt want to cross those lines, since these ARE real high school students in the movie ). she relieved me that it was indeed ok for me to watch but not to learn any of the dance sequences (too late).

i then told her i had already rationalized that it was ok for me to have a crush on zac effron... she confirmed it. 

unfortunately, my bed time is 10 and the movie didnt get over until 11 so i have no idea what happened at the prom!! what about gabriella? and sharpei????
so many questions!

another good thing about the disney channel... 
the commercials.

they are so informative. i had no idea demi lavato was so passionate about dance!
im definitely team demi. 
she's so more real than selena gomez.
by the way, selena and nick broke up.
theyre trying to focus on their careers.


Collier Jones said...

I can so relate to everything you said in this e-mail. I feel like I live, breathe and eat disney channel. I also have to admit I have watched High school 3. You need to finish it. . . it has a happy ending, of course.

Kellie said...

okay, I so didn't relate or understand any of this. I need to find out what channel the disney channel is on directv, so that I can get up to speed.